The Weekly: The Impact of OSAP Changes on Lower-Income Students – A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Parkin

  Earlier this year, the Government of Ontario announced changes to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). These changes include the elimination of free tuition through grants for lower-income students, a decrease in the maximum income threshold to qualify for the program,  a reduction in the percentage of grants available, the elimination of the 6-monthContinue reading “The Weekly: The Impact of OSAP Changes on Lower-Income Students – A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Parkin”

2018 Ford+SPPG Conference: What the Tech? Unpacking the Challenges and Opportunities of Disruptive Technologies

The Ford+SPPG Conference is a collaborative student-led case competition held between the University of Toronto’s School of Public Policy and Governance, and the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Both schools meet for a full-day case competition to pitch a policy proposal about a looming issue affecting both Canada and theContinue reading “2018 Ford+SPPG Conference: What the Tech? Unpacking the Challenges and Opportunities of Disruptive Technologies”

BTH Insight Series Ep. 3: United Way Social Procurement, the Ontario Election and Energy Governance

  This is the third episode of the BTH Insight Series, where we examine various policy topics within the hour. Topics discussed include energy governance, elections and not-for-profits and their role in their social procurement. United Way Social Procurement As the largest non-governmental supporter of social services in the region, United Way Toronto & York Region hasContinue reading “BTH Insight Series Ep. 3: United Way Social Procurement, the Ontario Election and Energy Governance”

Housing and Homelessness

  This week’s show is about affordable housing and homelessness in Ontario, the GTA, and across the country. The nation is currently in a housing crisis as the housing market lacks supply of social and affordable housing.  The costs of living in cities across Canada for shelter and basic necessities is steady increasing. Additionally,  Continue reading “Housing and Homelessness”

Ontario Sexual Health and Education

The Province of Ontario is implementing a new Health and Physical Education curriculum in September of 2015, though a consortium of changes are ahead, the most significant are changes to the Sexual Education Curriculum. Elementary students in particular will be expected at an earlier age to identify body parts, including genitalia; and those in grade eightContinue reading “Ontario Sexual Health and Education”

Ontario Municipal Board Reform

The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) is a quasi-judicial board responsible for hearing land use planning appeals. The last several years have seen this unelected body criticized for usurping the decisions of municipalities, being developer friendly and not being consciousness of community needs. For more perspectives on proposed reforms to the OMB, see statements by theContinue reading “Ontario Municipal Board Reform”

Ontario Municipal Board Reform

The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) is a quasi-judicial board responsible for hearing land use planning appeals. The last several years have seen this unelected body criticized for usurping the decisions of municipalities, being developer friendly and not being consciousness of community needs. Three experts break down this important topic: Mitchell Kosny, a Registered Professional PlannerContinue reading “Ontario Municipal Board Reform”

Immigration in Ontario

Canada is one of the largest immigrant receiving nations in the world, and one with a longstanding dedication to the principle of multiculturalism. What makes immigrant inclusion and integration successful in some places versus others? We take a deeper look at this issue with expert guests from the not-for-profit, public, and academic spheres.

Immigration in Ontario

Canada is one of the largest immigrant receiving nations in the world, and one with a longstanding dedication to the principle of multiculturalism. What makes immigrant inclusion and integration successful in some places versus others? We take a deeper look at this issue with expert guests from the not-for-profit, public, and academic spheres: Debbie Douglas,Continue reading “Immigration in Ontario”

Best of Beer Policy

In Ontario, the Beer Store recently announced that Ontario breweries can now buy minority stakes in the company, and craft brewers will receive discounted “listing fees” – the price they pay the Beer Store to sell their products. Such changes may or may not increase consumer access to products from craft brewers. We dove into ourContinue reading “Best of Beer Policy”